Hi, my name's Sophie and I run Beauty Adventures. Beauty Adventures is a blog where I rant and review products when my friends are sick of my rambling (which is almost always.) I wasn't always fascinated by makeup and beauty, when I was younger I believed that makeup made woman look like an aged hooker... How that I am wiser and therefore older I know that makeup doesn't conceal one's true beauty but magnifies the inner beauty. Although if you don't use it right you can happen to look like an ancient hooker. I believe that the right outfit, perfume and makeup can make someones day.
Essie Button has always been my inspiration, her beautiful bright pictures managed to convince me that blogging can be a hobby rather than a chore contrary to what I believed, you can find her blog here.
I'lll mainly focus on beauty but you'll find several fashion and lifestyle posts as well.

Here I am trying to figure out how to use my camera, took me quite awhile but I managed it in the end.
I'm always open to requests so leave a comment and I'll try fulfill your requests.
Make sure you follow my Instagram, @beautyadventures.
Blog ya later,
Sophie xo
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